Share how better walking and biking options impact you
The City Council has placed the Transportation System Plan and Sidewalk Policy on the agenda for Wednesday’s work session. With that discussion as a backdrop, this is a great opportunity to tell Councilors in person what better walking and biking options would mean to you. Hearing from the people they represent in person can make a big impact!
Please come to City Hall this Wednesday at 7pm prepared to tell them (in 3 mins. or less):
- Whether you think transportation policy should focus on moving people or just on cars
- The economic benefits gained from the efficiencies of active transportation. For example:
- less time wasted in traffic
- less time spent waiting for the bus
- less space needed to move the same amount of people (contrast single occupancy cars as opposed to that same number on bicycles)
- reduced demand for car parking and wear-and-tear on our roadways
- businesses report seeing an uptick in customer visits when better pedestrian and bike access are provided, and
- What would it mean to you to have safe, contiguous walking and bike corridors throughout Bend? What could you do differently? Could you get downtown more easily? Could you get to work? Might your kids ride to school?
If you’re inclined, the work session starts at 5pm. Show up to learn the lingo of transportation discussions.
Please come provide input in person – and bring a friend! Hope to see you there.
Wednesday, March 15
work session: 5pm
visitor’s section: 7pm
City Council Chambers, Bend City Hall
710 NW Wall
Bend, OR 97701