Though it’s not immediately clear what impact this newly minted group will have, the August 5th Bend City Council meeting saw the creation of the Street Maintenance Funding Committee. (see our previous story about the its tumultuous creation)
According to a press release, there are two openings available on the committee: a general at-large position, and one reserved for a small business owner who’s company consumes lots of gas, such as a delivery company. During the meeting, Councilors Sally Russell, Doug Knight and Barb Campbell, while disagreeing on many issues that evening, agreed that in the name of having a diverse committee, the Council might be more inclined to a select a candidate from under-presented groups including those who reside on the eastside of Bend.

If you’re up for the job and hope to influence whether healthy transportation is included in a final recommendation to Council in October, complete an application and return it to Robyn Christie, City Recorder ([email protected]) no later than August 31st.