Refreshments stations for Nat’l Bike to Work Day

It’s quite a mouthful isn’t it? Refreshment stations for the National Bike to Work Day, but that’s exactly what it is. If you’ve got a better name, let us know and we’ll bring you on as a marketing consultant ๐Ÿ˜‰

As part of the month long Bike More Challenge put on by The Street Trust, we’ve talked to a number of retailers around town who’ve been gracious with their time and resources to offer refreshment stations before work. Some are even going to have after-work goodies.

Here’s a map listing the participating retailers. Click on each for details. Red pins denote locations with afternoon hours and a special offer for bicycling commuters.

Look for this poster in the window and you’ll know you’re at a participating location.


So what are you waiting for?  Get out their and ride! Especially on May 18th.

PS_ Many thanks to volunteer Alyssa Whited for pulling this whole event together.  Thanks Alyssa!!
