We know that this time of year is complicated for many – from complicated relationships with the holiday season, seasonal affective disorder, to short dark days. So Bend Bikes chooses to make November a time to collectively slow down, rest, and take some time to express gratitude to our supporters and biking community. We took some time to gather the legacy board members of Bend Bikes and journeyed down memory lane to celebrate how far we’ve come. From our humble beginnings, we’ve fought our way onto various City, County, and State committees to make the voices of people who walk, bike, and roll heard. It’s been a wild ride and we relished a moment to reflect and enjoy our success.

[Photos: Bend Bikes] We gathered the legacy board members of Bend Bikes to celebrate Aron’s fare-thee-well, including co-founder Lucas Freeman, former board president and City Councillor-elect Ariel Mendez, Colleen Miller, Kirk Stock, Eric Power, and Scott Reich.
TBOC and GO Bond Updates and Save the Dates: All Eyes on Portland Avenue and Committee Vacancies in 2023!
There are a lot of things bubbling up with the Transportation Bond Oversight Committee, so we will keep it as short and sweet as possible.
TBOC Vacancies Coming Up in 2023!
- If you missed out on the opportunity to apply to be a member of TBOC when it was first formed, there will be FIVE seats up for appointment for 4-year terms next year.
- Keep an eye out for applications to open up in the spring.
- Help us keep the safety of people who walk, bike, and roll at the forefront of our transportation bond projects! Have questions about what it’s like to serve on this committee? Email [email protected]!
Portland Avenue
- The GO Bond allocated $3.5 million to improve Portland and 9th St as well as other safety and connectivity improvements because 9th St has the highest crash rating along the corridor.
- Initial explorations to construct a mini-roundabout at that intersection have been found to be infeasible, and City staff will be providing options to TBOC at its February 28, 2023 meeting. Our understanding is that TBOC will consider options to improve that area in other ways or to shift funds to an alternate project.
- Keep your eyes peeled for the TBOC meeting packet about a week prior to the February 28, 2023 meeting – as well as Bend Bikes’ social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) – for an opportunity to provide your input on how these funds should be spent!
Upcoming GO Bond Project Open Houses
- The Butler, Wells, Boyd Roundabout project open house will be on December 14th with details TBD. Keep an eye on our social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) for updates as soon as we get that information.
- The Neff/Purcell construction open house will be scheduled sometime in January 2023.
- The Key Routes open house will be scheduled sometime in early February 2023.
Other Key GO Bond Updates
- For those who want a more user-friendly way to track and understand the GO Bond projects, we anticipate seeing a GO Bond performance dashboard for public release in February 2023. Stay tuned!
- TBOC will also be considering public outreach guidelines to create more clarity on what type of public engagement (e.g. open houses) each of the remaining projects should get.
Sustainable Bicycle Transportation: Models for Change with Robin Lewis on December 7th from 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm at The Environmental Center*
Bend’s very own transportation engineer, Robin Lewis, joined a cohort of transportation professionals and students from Oregon to study transportation infrastructure and safety in Denmark and The Netherlands this summer. Their goal was to “discover how we can create great communities and what role transportation systems, including bicycling transportation, play to improve livability, connect people to other people and places to sustain a healthy environment.” We will gather together to hear what Robin learned and how to apply strategies to make walking and rolling in Bend safer and more enjoyable. Light refreshments will be provided. RSVP to the Facebook event.
*This event does not necessarily reflect the mission/opinion of The Environmental Center.
Donor Spotlight: Spurcycle Joy for Bend Bikes Supporters!
In continued support of Bend Bikes, Spurcycle is offering a holiday discount to our supporters with 15% off for 15 days starting Dec 1st. The discount code BENDBIKES_9RZZ is valid at Spurcycle.com on regular priced products from Dec 1st – 15th. Come get ‘em! Ring ring!

[Photos: Spurcycle]
Donor Spotlight: Support Bend Bikes through Consignment at The Gear Fix
Did you know you can support local nonprofits through the consignment process at The Gear Fix? You can donate your consignment items to Bend Bikes and proceeds from the sale go directly to us!