Have you got concerns about the direction of the City of Bend’s transportation system? Here’s a great opportunity to get involved and help shape the conversation. Applications are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, October 6, 2017.
Below is their press release on the committee positions.
The City is seeking applicants for the Citywide Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC), to ensure citizen input is incorporated into transportation planning efforts. The CTAC will help shape updates and provide recommendations to Council regarding a transportation vision, goals and polices, sustainable funding strategies, and project priorities.
The committee will be comprised of 20-30 people with broad geographic and socioeconomic representation. Applicants must be residents within the City of Bend’s Urban Growth Boundary. The City of Bend is looking for a wide range of collaborative, solution-oriented participants. The membership will consist of members of Neighborhood Associations, non-profit organizations, business organizations, and citizens at large with an interest and background in a variety of subjects such as:
- Finance and funding strategies
- Environmental/sustainability work
- Land use and transportation planning
- Healthcare
- Transit
- Bicycle and pedestrian modes
- Freight
- Motoring public
- Social service organization work
- Collaborative results-driven processes
The Bend City Council’s adopted 2017-19 Strategic Plan includes Goal 2: Move people and products around Bend efficiently, safely, and reliably. A healthy and sustainably-financed transportation system is a critical need for the City.
Over the next two years the City’s Growth Management Department will be updating the Transportation System Plan (TSP), in collaboration with the Bend Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (MPO) update of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). The MPO has a federal requirement to update the MTP. State law requires coordination between the two plans.
Committee members will be expected to attend all meetings to the extent possible. Meetings will most likely be a minimum of two hours long, and will cover a wide range of transportation-related materials, some of which may be quite technical. CTAC members may also be asked to participate in public meetings and to be an ambassador for the project by providing information, as appropriate, to any interest groups that they represent.
To apply for the CTAC, visit www.bendoregon.gov/committees.
