Many thanks to those who took the time last Wednesday to speak to Bend City Councilors about the importance of active transportation. We put out a call to action last week, and we had more folks than we expected speak for their allotted three minutes during the visitor’s section of the regular City Council meeting.
We’ve gotten positive feedback both from a Councilor as well as City Staff as to the message we were trying to convey: when you think of transportation in Bend (the transportation system plan was on the evening’s work session agenda) remember active transportation.
Here’s a video showing the roughly three minutes segments for those twelve listed below who spoke about the need for a bikeable and walkable community.
Listed in order of appearance: Ariel Mendez, Ross Winsor, Alice Drobna, Marika Green, Jennifer Fischer, Brett Yost, Pearl Stark, Meg Chun, Jeremy Brodhead, Katy McClure, Hans van Naerssen, Kelly Von Ruden, Julie Bowers.
Thanks all!