A movement, if that is what Bend Bikes is to become, centers around a narrative of who we are and what we want to be.
Bend Bikes has an idea of who we want to be. A large part of that vision is changing the way people in Bend think about everyday transportation. Certainly, it includes advocating for more and better bicycle infrastructure. But really, it’s more than that.
The movement we are building needs to be focused on everyday people. We need to hear and share stories about how you decided it would be good for you to start biking to work or school. Or, why you decided you’d walk to the grocery store once a month to get groceries. Why you invested in a pull-behind trailer outfitted to get your youngster to preschool. And, maybe most importantly, what’s preventing you from becoming a regular bicycle commuter and how can Bend Bikes help with that?
So, tell us your story. Tell us the why. We’ll do our best to share it with as many people as we can (including local policy makers) in the hope that doing so will spread the Bend Bikes narrative. Ultimately, this change will be for all of us but comes down to your story. Won’t you share it?
A story from you know who
It’s an easy two step process:
- Step #1 – Video or audio record yourself telling us your story with an app on your smartphone.
- Step #2 – Send your recording to us via our Tell Us Your Story page.
We’ll sift through the entries and decide on the one we like the best by April 25th. That person will be awarded a 64 oz growler-sized Hydro Flask at our ‘Sign for your Lane‘ petition drive on April 27th. And, (only if you’re up for it) you’ll get the chance on an open mic to tell your story to everyone assembled.
Some thought starters
Here are a few ideas to kick start your thinking. Record yourself answering one or more of these questions: (in no particular order)
- Why did you start using a bicycle for transportation?
- Why did you decide to start biking to work or school?
- How long have you been walking or biking for your everyday transportation needs?
- Have you upgraded your everyday commuter bike lately? If so, why & how?
- How often do you walk or bike to get where you need to go?
- What obstacles (physical or otherwise) prevent you from everyday riding/walking more often?
- What’s the heaviest thing you’ve ever carried by bicycle?
- What’s your favorite part of your regular route? How does it make you feel?
- Are there sights and sounds you notice when you walk or bike that you’d miss if you were in a car?
Send us your submission by April 25th. Ready? Go!