Orchard Park to Lava Lanes

For this month’s route, we are looking at going from Orchard Park to Lava Lanes. This destination is also roughly where the Fire station, the Bend Municipal Court, and the Bend City Public Works Building are as well. This route is not for everyone as biking down NE Penn Ave which turns into NE Neff Rd does involve biking next to fast moving vehicles in only a painted bike lane but this is a great opportunity for the city to add protection to that bike lane as it also goes right by Pilot Butte Middle School. Adding protective elements here would make this a very low stress route as the rest of it is on a greenway and a paved path!

We start at Orchard Park and head down NE 6th Street. Making a left onto NE Olney Ave and continuing down the street as it turns into Penn and Neff brings us alongside Pilot Butte Middle School.

Once we are just past the school we’ll make a right onto the Larkspur Trail right behind Pilot Butte. We continue down the trail past Pilot Butte.

Once we are past the parking lot, continuing down the trail, there is a tunnel that goes right under Greenwood Ave/Highway 20. We’ll come out right next to Lava Lanes and the Fire Station.

Alternate Option