Gearing up for all things bike, Bend Bikes is moving through this year full steam ahead. We are happy to announce three new board members who have already shown great enthusiasm in helping to support our mission of advocating for the safety of people who bike.

Cassie Doll

Brett Yost

Jordan Freeburn
City Happenings

Think Bike Workshop by Dutch Cycling Embassy
Bend will be hosting a two-day bicycle facility design workshop focused on learning how to design, re-design, and retro-fit bicycle system facilities in a way that allows more residents the comfort and safety to use bicycling to meet their everyday travel needs. The two-day transportation workshop brings two Dutch bicycle network design experts to Bend to share ideas and proven design techniques that have allowed the Netherlands to achieve 40% bicycle mode share. Stay tuned for how you can get involved with this amazing opportunity happening in late July!
Upcoming Open Houses for GO Bond Transportation Projects
Projects within the GO Bond are lining up this summer for public feedback. While dates haven’t been finalized yet for all of them, you can learn more about these projects and sign up for alerts, so you know when the open houses officially open. Of course, Bend Bikes will also be sending out calls to action for these public comment periods. Stay tuned for additional ways to ensure there’s more infrastructure that keeps those who bike, walk, and roll safe in our community!
- June 2023: Butler Market/Boyd Acres Key Routes Alternatives Analysis—in-person open house. A big thank you to everyone who commented during the virtual open house in May!
- June 27, 2023: Portland Ave Project Portland Avenue Corridor Improvements project’s community meeting is planned for June 27 from 5-6:30 pm at Westside Church, 2051 NW Shevlin Park Rd, Bend, OR 97703
- July 2023: Olney Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements Alternatives Analysis—virtual and in-person open house
Upcoming Events

Bike Film Festival Bend
Bicycle Film Festival Bend
Saturday, June 3, 2023
6:30pm Adventure shorts (90 minutes)
9:00pm Cinematic/Urban Bike shorts (90 minutes)
Tower Theatre – 835 NW Wall St Bend, OR 97703
Bicycle Film Festival is returning to Bend on June 3, 2023. BFF Bend presents two international short film programs: Adventure shorts and Cinematic/Urban Bike Shorts. BFF has an incredible history. It began in New York City in 2001 by Brendt Barbur after being hit by a bus while riding a bicycle. He turned his negative experience into a positive one. For the past 23 years, BFF has been celebrating bicycles through art, film and music around world in over 100 cities to an audience of one million people.
All local proceeds from the event will be donated to Oregon Adaptive Sports to support their important work providing opportunities life-changing outdoor recreation for individuals with disabilities in Oregon.
Bikey Book Club

Next Meeting: June 12, 6:30pm
The Bikey Book Club met last week and watched a video, “4 ways to make a city more walkable,” a TED talk by Jeff Speck, the author of Walkable City which we’re currently reading. The video sparked a discussion about whether the same characteristics make a city both walkable and bikeable, what needs to change in Bend to make it bikeable, and how zoning and land use planning affect how walkable and bikeable a city is and general quality of life.
We are currently reading Walkable City: How Downtown Can Save America, One Step at a Time by Jeff Speck. This is the 10th anniversary edition of this influential book with new material about the value of bikes and city planning. We’ll meet June 12 at 6:30 pm in the Meyer Room, upstairs in the Bend Downtown Library to watch a video interview with the author and discuss initial impressions of the book. Please join us–there is no need to pre-register but you can contact [email protected] or [email protected] for more information. If you come, you can help us choose the next book we read!
Upcoming schedule: Downtown Bend Library, Meyers Room
June 12, 6:30-7:45