Maybe you work at the hospital and want to get a little fresh air on your way into work, or maybe you have an appointment to get that itch checked out, but all of us eventually have to go to the doctors office. Good news is, if you can make it to Juniper Park, you can get most of the way to the medical district by linking up the Coyner and Larkspur trails and a mix of quiet residential streets. This is a route that takes you to Mosaic, but you pass by many of the other primary care clinics on your way and it’s pretty straightforward to alter the route to those spots. The hardest bit is at the end, where the route takes you along Purcell and Neff. These are not ideal, but the sidewalk is generally wide if you don’t feel comfortable riding in the unprotected bike lane.
Some of the steps in this route are a little hard to find on your first time, so read on below for a step by step description of the route.
Step 1: Find the Coyner Trail.
Across the Franklin/8th Traffic Circle from the SE corner of Juniper Park is the beginning of the Coyner Trail. It will be a part of the upcoming Bend Bikeway, but for now it’s easy to miss.
The start of the trail is noted above in Red. I’m normally biking east on Franklin and to get there I get up onto the sidewalk at the ramp (it’s actually a driveway) ahead of the Franklin/8th Circle and then cross at the zebra crossing over 8th. Turn right on the sidewalk and it is the unmarked paved path that goes to your left after the community garden.
The benefit of getting on the Coyner trail is it lets you avoid the 10th/Bear Creek section that tends to have pretty fast cars, and a very narrow bike lane or sharrow. Once you get on Coyner, you follow a nice, raised multi-use path that follows the west and south side of 9th. It will dodge behind some houses and meet up with 10th. At the intersection with Burnside, the main trail will turn right, but you want to descend to the road to follow Burnside, which is a pretty quiet, residential road. Unfortunately there is no curb cut here. I ride over the curb between the white bollards. This can get a little hairy when there is snow on the ground as snow tends to get pushed up against the curb. Burnside also does not appear to be on the plowing schedule.
Step 2. Navigate the Bear Creek parking lot
Follow Burnside until you reach 13th, where you will turn right and ride into the parking lot for Bear Creek Elementary. If you are riding during pick up / drop off hours, be careful, the traffic pattern is not obvious and you may end up riding against the flow of traffic. You are now trying to thread your way through the parking lot to get to the 15th / Bear Creek Traffic Circle. I’ve highlighted my route below, which involves taking the first left after coming into the drop off circle and then going through a small parking lot. Unfortunately, again, there is no curb cut when you are getting out of the small parking lot, so this involves riding over a curb.
Once you get onto the small trail to the NE of Bear Creek Elementary, you head over to the traffic circle, navigate two zebra crossings first crossing 15th and then crossing Bear Creek Rd. If you are navigating this on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday during crossing guard time, wave to Jim, Bend Bikes Board Member.
Note: This route from the Franklin / 8th traffic circle to Bear Creek / 15th Traffic Circle is subject to improvements with the Bend Bikeways project. If you use or think you might use this section, consider following the project and submitting comments. Learn more about the project at its city project page here.
Step 3. Ride North on the Larkspur Trail
Once you are on the NE corner of the circle, the Larkspur trail picks up as a multi-use path that heads north towards Pilot Butte. Follow the trail north and to the barely marked pedestrian crossing at Forbes Rd. Consider that if you were going bowling you would be at your destination already. This may make you reconsider your life choices. Put on your big person pants and resolve to continue on your way to the doctor. Cross Forbes Rd and take the multi-use path on the North side of Forbes and use the tunnel to get to the Pilot Butte Trailhead. Continue riding north on the Larkspur trail.
Step 4. Purcell and Neff
Just after the trailhead for Pilot Butte, there is a small dirt path that takes you from the Larkspur trail to Derek Drive. I go left on Sams Loop to approach Purcell because the visibility at the intersection with Purcell is better than at Savannah. Cross Purcell and head north either in the unprotected bike lane or on the sidewalk. When you get to Neff, take a right and again, sigh, an unprotected bike lane or sidewalk are your options. As you ride along Neff, most of the primary care offices that you might need are either to your left or right. Some of the most common ones are noted as points of interest on the RideWithGPS map.
Cross 27th on Neff, and take the first left onto Tucson Way. The Mosaic Connors Clinic is ahead on your left.
Note: The Neff corridor from Juniper Elementary through Eagle Rd is subject to improvements with the Neff Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvement Project. If you use or think you might use this section, consider following the project and submitting comments. Learn more about the project at its city project page here.