Life in Bend seems to be warming to its Fall rhythm: school will soon be back in swing, and many of the summer’s seasonal visitors are gone. We thought it would be fun to organize a ride on September 29th @ 1:30pm to celebrate on a fantastic off-street trail many haven’t yet discovered.

We’ll start and end at Deschutes Brewery’s “Marina” at the corner of SW Columbia and SW Shevlin Hixon, across from River Bend Park in the Old Mill. Both out-and-back route options are mostly on paved portions of the Haul Road Trail, but there are some loose gravel sections, so you might want to leave your skinny-tire bike at home.
Registration Required
Tell us you and your clan are coming by registering online. Click here.
Two Route Options
Long Route – 14 miles
We’ll be separated from car traffic for the full length of this 14 mile round trip. It’s on a mix of paved as well as soft, unpaved gravel trail. This out-and-back crosses a few roads, though most are small but for Reed Market Road. After 400′ of elevation gain, our turn-around point will be the USFS Cascades Lakes Welcome Station.

Family-friendly Route – 9 miles
Approximately 9 miles in length, this option is on the Haul Road Trail as well, but skips the last two+ miles of climbing to the Welcome Station. The turn-around for this route is near the trail underpass at the Cascade Lakes Highway.

Join us after the ride back at the Marina. There will be drinks and food for sale. We’re asking for a donation of $5 per person to help cover costs for the ride. But if you can’t afford that, come join our fun anyway!