Next Steps: Neighborhood Street Safety Program

NSSP key dates

If you’re one of those motivated types who submitted an application for the Neighborhood Street Safety Program (NSSP), good on ya!  (See our previous blog for a background on NSSP.)

The question is, What’s next?  You could sit back and hope for the best, OR you could proactively lobby on behalf of your proposed project.  Here are some helpful tips to consider if that sounds like your course of action.

Make that move

Present your proposal to your own Neighborhood Association (NA).  You’ll need to do this by your NA’s October meeting if it’s before 10/15.  If it has already taken place, and the next one is after the 10/15 deadline (see above ‘Key Dates’), send an email to the president/head of your association regarding your submission.

When lobbying on behalf of your submission, consider:

  1. In-person is best if possible.
  2. Be brief! Under 3 minutes is great and visual aids are always a plus.
  3. If you can get support from folks near the proposed project site, that’ll add heft to your proposal.
    Imagine the impact a list of names will have. Add in addresses and signatures for good measure and maximum impact. Could you get 10? Maybe 20?? More is better!

Second that motion

After October 15th, ask your NA to supply you the list of projects they’ve submitted to Bend City staff. If your proposal has made the cut, attend the Neighborhood Leaders Alliance (NLA) meeting on 12/10 to ask them to prioritize your proposal.  They will have a visitors section where the public (meaning you!) can make comments on behalf of your submission.  Remember points #1 thru #3 above.

If at any point in the above process you feel like you could use a little guidance (reviewing talking points, creating effective visual aids, etc.) please feel free to reach out to us. Send an email to [email protected]

Good luck friends!
