This page is meant to serve as a clearinghouse of the latest goings-on in the City of Bend’s multi-year plan to implement a connected network of greenways. They will serve as an importance piece in achieving the overall goal of safe active transportation options for a wide range of ages and abilities. We plan to continue to champion their widespread implementation.
Learn more about the latest greenways news in Bend as well as about some of the traffic calming roadway elements which can be be used to make a street into a greenway.
What is a Neighborhood Greenway?
They are residential streets with low volumes of auto traffic and low speeds where bicycles and pedestrians are given priority.
Watch the video below for an overview of the work we’ve been doing to implement them in Bend.

Traffic Calming
Greenway Features

Mini Roundabout
- Reduces approach speeds at intersections
- Reduces driving sightlines / sense of thoroughfare
- More continuous flow for cyclists
- Low maintenance costs
- Create lateral deflections in the roadway causing drivers to reduce speed
- Reduces speeds without limiting access
- Provides opportunity for landscaping
- Can impact parking

- Help control traffic volumes
- Deters “cut-through” traffic
- Can cause access issues for locals
Speed Humps/Speed Tables
- Big brothers of speed bumps
- Reduce auto speeds and volumes
- The City’s first responders warming up to use of speed humps

Curb Extension
- Increases visibility of pedestrians
- Shortens crossing distance of street
- Visually narrows the streetscape
- May not be feasible without sidewalks
Green Colored Paint
- Increases awareness of bike traffic
- Increases predictability of path of travel
- Inexpensive but subject to wear and snow cover