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Tri County Bike and Pedestrian Summit

April 10 @ 9:00 am - 3:30 pm

Tri-County Bicycle and Pedestrian Summit - April 10

Tri-County Bicycle and Pedestrian Summit

The Deschutes County Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) is hosting the 2025 Tri-County Bicycle and Pedestrian Summit on April 10 at the Bend Parks and Recreation District’s Riverbend Community Room in Bend. Come find out about what’s going on in Central Oregon related to bike and walking transportation!

When: 10 April, 2025 from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm

Where: Bend Parks and Recreation District Riverbend Community Room at 799 SW Columbia St, Bend, OR 97702

Who: Anyone interested in how bikes, walking, and public transit fit into our regional and local transportation system.

Amidst the packed agenda are three topics of particular interest to Bend Bikes folks: the “People Streets” and “Complete Streets” presentations and the Walking Tour. Come for all or part of the day.

The People Streets project will help the state describe what “People Streets” are as land use and development rules change to make urban areas in Oregon less car-centric and more focused on people. Bend used the corridor between Drake Park and Juniper Park, over the up-coming Hawthorne Overpass as a case study.  Get a first look at what they learned and how our city could change!

Talia Jacobson from Toole Design’s Portland office will be talking about “Complete Streets”:  what they are and how they can be built. Toole Design is a national leader in designing multi-modal transportation systems to meet the needs of all people whether they walk, ride a bike, use a wheelchair, take public transit, or drive a car. We’ll learn about how other cities are making it easier for all people to get around.

The Walking Tour will finish up the day and give you a chance to stretch your legs. The City of Bend will be showing off its new maintenance equipment–its new super street striping truck and its new “multi-hog” mini-street sweeper and mini-snow plow that can sweep and plow sidewalks and bike lanes. The Old Mill will describe the history and management of the Deschutes River Trail through the Old Mill Shopping District. And the City of Bend will preview its Riverfront Street project which will fill the last gap in the Deschutes River Trail by connecting Miller Landing Park to Drake Park.

The full agenda is packed with interesting topics:

  • 9:05 am: Welcome:  Melanie Kebler, Mayor of Bend
  • 9:25 am: State of Regional Transportation: Phil Chang, Oregon Transportation Commissioner and Deschutes County Commissioner
  • 10:20 am: Regional active transportation efforts panel discussion with representatives from county, city,  and transit agencies
  • 11:25 am: People Streets Study, City of Bend: Susanna Julber, City of Bend and Kristin Reidelberger Central Oregon Landwatch
  • Noon: Lunch! Bring your lunch or order from one of our local delis.
  • 1:00 pm: Introduction to Complete Streets: Talia Jacobson, Toole Design
  • 2:05 pm: Walking Tour:
    • Small scale street maintenance equipment: City of Bend
    • Deschutes River Trail: Old Mill
    • Riverfront Street Project: City of Bend

Registration is open but not required.


April 10
9:00 am - 3:30 pm


Deschutes Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee
View Organizer Website


Bend Park and Recreation Department
799 SW Columbia St
Bend, OR 97702 United States
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